CATH Classification

Domain Context

CATH Clusters

Superfamily DNA Cyclobutane Dipyrimidine Photolyase, subunit A, domain 3
Functional Family Deoxyribodipyrimidine photolyase (Photoreactivation), FAD-binding

Enzyme Information
(6-4)DNA photolyase.
based on mapping to UniProt O48652
(6-4) photoproduct (in DNA) = 2 pyrimidine residues (in DNA).
-!- The overall repair reaction consists of two distinct steps, one of which is light-independent and the other one light-dependent. -!- In the initial light-independent step, a 6-iminium ion is thought to be generated via proton transfer induced by two histidines highly conserved among the (6-4) photolyases. -!- This intermediate spontaneously rearranges to form an oxetane intermediate by intramolecular nucleophilic attack. -!- In the subsequent light-driven reaction, one electron is believed to be transferred from the fully reduced FAD cofactor (FADH(-)) to the oxetane intermediate thus forming a neutral FADH radical and an anionic oxetane radical, which spontaneously fractures. -!- The excess electron is then back-transferred to the flavin radical restoring the fully reduced flavin cofactor and a pair of pyrimidine bases.

UniProtKB Entries (1)

Arabidopsis thaliana
(6-4)DNA photolyase

PDB Structure

External Links
Primary Citation
Functional motifs in the (6-4) photolyase crystal structure make a comparative framework for DNA repair photolyases and clock cryptochromes.
Hitomi, K., DiTacchio, L., Arvai, A.S., Yamamoto, J., Kim, S.T., Todo, T., Tainer, J.A., Iwai, S., Panda, S., Getzoff, E.D.