PDB Information

Host OrganismEscherichia coli
Gene SourceHomo sapiens
Primary Citation
Affinity switching of the LEDGF/p75 IBD interactome is governed by kinase-dependent phosphorylation.
Sharma, S., Cermakova, K., De Rijck, J., Demeulemeester, J., Fabry, M., El Ashkar, S., Van Belle, S., Lepsik, M., Tesina, P., Duchoslav, V., Novak, P., Hubalek, M., Srb, P., Christ, F., Rezacova, P., Hodges, H.C., Debyser, Z., Veverka, V.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
CATH Insert Date29 Jul, 2018

PDB Images (2)

PDB Prints

PDB Chains (1)

Chain ID Date inserted into CATH CATH Status
A 29 Jul, 2018 Write scan list

CATH Domains (0)

Domain ID Date inserted into CATH Superfamily CATH Status

UniProtKB Entries (1)

Accession Gene ID Taxon Description
O75475 PSIP1_HUMAN Homo sapiens PC4 and SFRS1-interacting protein